Due to the busy holiday season, the Hamiltons will not have a formal program in December.
However, we would love for you to join the Board of Directors and fellow members at the Village Bar & Grille for an informal get together on December 13th at 4 PM. This will give us the opportunity to get to know each other in a way we don’t have at our regular programs.
Please feel free to bring your significant others and/or other like-minded men who might be interested in the Hamiltons.
To let us know you are coming, RSVP to SkidawayHamiltons@gmail.com
Happy Holidays, Marty Grossman, President
Martin Halper, Treasurer
Bruce Wallace, Secretary
Jim Waterman, Program Co-Chair
Bruce Walker, Program Co-Chair
Ron Krannich, Communications Chair
Rick Cunningham, IT/Website Chair