John Holmquist, President of the Landings Association, spoke to the Hamiltons and Abigails via Zoom on September 21, 2021. John noted that the opinions being expressed are his and not necessarily those of the Board. The Landings has 4,229 homes, plus an additional 25 under construction. Many of the 133 […]
Meeting Summaries
MEETING RECAP- DR. LAWTON DAVIS THE DELTA VARIANT On August 24, Dr. Lawton Davis, Director of the Coastal Health District of Georgia, made a Zoom presentation to the Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails on the Delta variant. The Delta variant was first identified in India in December 2020 and first detected […]
Status of Savannah’s REAL (Racial Equity and Leadership) Task Force Dr. Otis S. Johnson Chair of REAL Task Force On April 27, former Savannah Mayor Dr. Otis Johnson spoke before a Zoom meeting of Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails. Dr. Johnson said that roughly every fifty years this country has a […]
Professor Ken Zapp What is Socialism? On March 16, Professor Ken Zapp gave a very interesting presentation on socialism to a Zoom audience of Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails. Professor Zapp said, to its adherents, socialism is an economic system in which benefits are shared in a way that is considered […]
Dr. Lawton Davis, Director of the Coastal Health District of Georgia Covid 19 Vaccinations On February 16, Dr. Lawton Davis, Director of the Coastal Health District of Georgia, made a Zoom presentation to the Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails on COVID 19. Dr. Davis’s presentation was extremely informative, providing a history […]
Meeting Young Progressives in Savannah On Tuesday, January 19th, The Skidaway Hamiltons hosted a Zoom meeting that featured three young progressives in Savannah. It is our hope that such intergenerational connections will help increase understanding and involvement and help all of us advance progressive objectives further and faster. We would […]
On December 16, Brynn Grant, President and CEO of the United Way of the Coastal Empire (UWCE), spoke to the Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails. Ms. Grant spoke extensively about UWCE’s response to the COVID pandemic. UWCE operates a 211 call center to direct callers in need to the resources that […]
[Note: on the date of this meeting, a statewide hand audit recount of the Nov 3, 2020 election results was underway. The results of that recount were announced on Nov 20. Subsequently, a statewide recount was requested by the President, and a second complete recount, this time using machine readers, […]
Dr. Bruce Mallard, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Savannah State University, spoke to the Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails on October 20 about the Senate filibuster. Dr. Mallard first provided an historical prospective. The filibuster dates back to 1806 when it was proposed as a Senate rules change by Aaron […]