There is a New Progressive Mens’ Group on Skidaway Island

We invite you to attend the initial meeting of the newly formed men’s group-the Skidaway Hamiltons.  We are socially progressive men and our organization will be similar to the successful woman’s group on Skidaway; the Abigails.  The first meeting of the Hamiltons will be on March 21st, 3:45PM at the Messial Lutheran Church of Skidaway Island.
As a non-partisan, liberal, progressive men’s group,the Hamiltons will be organized around three focus areas: Social, Educational, and Community Action.
The Social goal is to provide a space/opportunity for like-minded men to get together, get to know one-another, and discuss topics of common interest.  Our Educational component will include speakers, discussion groups, and will include developing tools that can disseminate information such as political background information for newcomers to Georgia/Chatham County. Our Community action goal will include organizing letter writing campaigns and/or visits to local, state, or national leaders on pending legislation of particular interest.
We have attached the Mission and Values Statement developed by the Steering Committee
If you have any questions or comments, please email at
If you are interested in this group but are unable to attend our first meeting and wish to continue to receive emails, please reply to this email with YES in the Subject Line.



The Hamiltons is an organization of liberal, progressive men whose purpose is to provide an environment for comfortable social engagement, a forum for discussion of sociopolitical issues, and a framework to champion our values. We welcome men who support our values to join us, regardless of residence, race, ethnicity, age, religion, political affiliation, or sexual orientation.

Hamiltons’ Values

WE VALUE:·         A society and government that diligently pursues fairness, justice and equality for all

·         A national health care system that makes medical services available [and affordable]* to all regardless of preconditions and economic status. [“and affordable” added 7/27/2020 by Hamiltons Board]

·         A tax system and laws that reduces economic inequality and offsets the power of corporations and money in influencing government.

·         And support women’s efforts to achieve fair and equitable opportunities and to control their reproductive rights.

·         Quality public education, from preschool through college, available and affordable to all residents of the United States.

·         Government financial support to Science and Technology, Arts and Humanities

·         A fair, unbiased criminal justice system and penal institutions that focuses upon rehabilitation and humane treatment.

·         An emphasis on diplomatic and “soft power” in world affairs.

·         Government policies that protect the environment.

·         We believe that the American citizen’s right to vote should not be infringed upon in any fashion.

·         We believe that freedom of the press and freedom of speech are the foundations of a free and democratic society.