President’s Update July 2020

Message From the President

A liberal progressive mens organization



Dear Fellow Hamiltons:

On July 1, 2020 the new Board of Directors began its term for the next year. First, I’d like to thank the outgoing Board for its excellent work and dedication to the organization. It has been a challenging year for all of us and they responded to the constraints of not being able to gather in person by moving our activities to Zoom meetings, our interactive website and Facebook presence, and various publications.

My sincere gratitude goes to outgoing Co-Presidents Tom Hamilton and Bob Marcotullio; Membership Chair Ted Yachik; Volunteer Chair Zeddie Bowen; and Past President, Ex-Officio Robert Pawlicki.

It is my pleasure to announce the incoming Board of Directors:

President – Marty Grossman
Vice President – Ron Krannich
Treasurer – Martin Halper
Secretary – Bruce Wallace
Membership Chair – George Sedberry
Program Chair – Jim Waterman
IT/Website Chair – Rick Cunningham
At-large – Bruce Walker
Past Presidents: Tom Hamilton (Ex-Officio)
Bob Marcotullio (Ex-Officio)

If you have any suggestions or would like to reach out to myself and/or other Board members, please email

Website – If you’ve not visited our website recently, please do so since it continues to expand with lots of useful content and links, from timely newsletters, user-friendly resources, and calendar of events to summaries of presentations and progressive-oriented news items and alerts. Our website is an important window to our locked-down world and a terrific center for keeping in contact with fellow members. As you’ll quickly see, we’ve developed this website into a one-stop shop for all things of interest to our progressive members, which recently included COVID-19 in Chatham County, Georgia legislative issues, local mental health issues, criminal justice reform, voting rights, and affordable housing. Please check frequently for updates and calendar additions. A special thanks goes to board member Rick Cunningham for helping make this website a useful reality.

Upcoming Zoom speakers and presentations — We will continue sponsoring regular presentations with local experts. The recent Zoom meeting we had with Dr. Lawton Davis, broke all previous attendance records.

Skidaway Hamiltons, Inc. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. We welcome your suggestion for topics, experts, and volunteers with local, state, and/or national orientations for our programming efforts.

We expect to continue in this Zoom phase for the next few months – at least until the COVID-19 coast is clear. The silver lining is that you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection, and our dress code is very casual (just a Zoom Shirt will do).

Please join us in keeping the Hamiltons alive, well, and vital! While the next few months may not look like much fun, we’re committed to moving us in that direction as we continue to stay in touch with our like-minded colleagues. We thank you for your continuing membership, commitment, and support. Please bring a friend to our next (Zoom) meeting. Better still, sign them up (just $20) as a new member!

New Member and Dues Link.

I hope you and your family are in good health and staying safe in these troubling times.

Marty Grossman
President, Skidaway Hamiltons, Inc.