National Healthcare: Problems & Solutions
On Wednesday, March 18, the Skidaway Hamiltions will present a panel discussion on the topic of National Healthcare, its problems and at least one possible solution.
This is a major topic that will be discussed by all major national and state candidates regardless of the office or party affiliation during the upcoming election seas
on. To lead off the Healthcare “Problems” portion, Dr. Kathleen Deloach Benton, President & CEO of Hospice Savannah, will explain how regular preventive care can have a dramatic effect on people’s lives and actually reduce the cost of care. The following portion will concentrate on the “Solution”, which will be presented by Congressional candidate Lisa Ring. National Healthcare is a central plank of Ms. Ring’s election platform.
Both presenters will take questions from the audience and explore this complex but important topic.
3:15 pm Wednesday March 18 at Messiah Lutheran Church
There is a $10 guest fee for those who are not members of the Hamiltons or Abigails organizations.