Lisa Ring – February 19, 2019

Lisa Ring, Democratic nominee for the Ist Congressional District in Georgia, spoke to the Skidaway Hamiltons on February 19, 2019, and shared some of the lessons she learned from her experience.

First, Ms Ring said she was proud of what was accomplished.  She was able to run a genuine grass roots campaign.   Fifty thousand doors were knocked on in all seventeen counties in the district.  People who felt disenfranchised got involved.  Voters were empowered.  There was the highest Democratic turnout in twenty eight years.

What lessons were learned?  One, she said there was a lot to be optimistic about.  If you give people something to do, they will do it.  Second, she believes the election process must be cleaned up.  She cited all kinds of problems and voter suppression.  Third, a true grass roots effort is critically important.  It is beyond party politics.  You, as a candidate, need to help people discover what we have in common, citing the need to get out into the rural areas and speak to people one on one.  She said that if you let people know what you believe in and are willing to fight for what you believe, they will respond. You need to help so-called single issue voters understand there are other issues that are vitally important to their lives as well.

What can individuals do? She said, “Do something!” Write a letter to the editor.  Take control of the narrative.  There is so much misinformation out there.  Let your voice be heard.  Get involved with an organization.  Get younger people registered and help them understand why it is important.

Ms Ring spoke about the MIT Political Science Forum in which she participated, “First We Marched, Then We Ran”.  She said there was great commonality in the experiences of these women, all of whom lost their races.  Common themes: the importance of a grass roots effort, problems with voter suppression, and frustration with gerrymandered districts.

Ms Ring has been elected Democratic Chairperson for the Ist Congressional District. She wants people to get involved with the Board of Elections process. She wants them involved locally.

On January 1 of this year, Ms Ring announced her intention to run again for Congress in the Ist District.