Hamiltons Newsletter August 5, 2019

A liberal progressive men’s organization

Message From the Board of Directors

Thank You
Many thanks to all members who attended the May “Wrap Up” meeting. You gave us valuable feedback on both our speakers and our organization. Many suggestions were already on the Board’s ‘radar’ but your confirmation was a great help.

We’d also like to thank the retiring Board members, JP Blachere, Stuart Weiner and Robert Pawlicki, our past President. Their work over the past 3 years has provided us with a solid foundation for the future.

The board also welcomes new members Rick Cunningham and Marty Grossman. Finally, this ‘Thanks’ would not be complete without a shout out to founder and previous president Ted Yachik who is on the road to an inspiring, stem cell based recovery from a rare blood disorder. Get Well Ted . . . we’re looking forward to having you back! (He will be returning to Savannah later this month)

Fall Preview
Our core mission remains progressive education via quality speakers. Jim Waterman has lined up experts who will address significant issues:

  • Gerrymandering on September 17th
  • Affordable housing on October 15th
  • A joint meeting with the Skidaway Abigails advocacy group WAG (Women Advocating for Georgia) on November 19th. The subject will be the GA 2020 general assembly agenda.

Meetings are held at the “Messiah Lutheran Church” on Skidaway Island.

New Meeting Format
Members want more participation and we heard you loud and clear. We’re expanding the meeting to encourage member-to-member discussions of progressive topics. Plus, we’ll be providing you with more information about opportunities to participate in local meetings, rallies and volunteering as we head into local, state and national elections in the next two years.

Updating the Old
To improve communications and increase awareness of issues you care about, we’re in the process of upgrading our website, SkidawayHamiltions.org. Check back as we add features and content, with the goal is to keeping the site relevant for and useful for members.

And finally, we’ve updated our dues paying system by adding the option to pay via credit card. We’ll continue to accept cash or checks at the meeting for those who prefer those methods.

Your Participation
We continue to have more ideas than we have time.  We can use some assistance with program speakers & ideas for the Program committee. So.. if you could spare a few hours a month we would love to have you get involved.

Our Last Thought 
Your dues keep our progressive organization going. We have modest expenses; donations for our meeting space, simple ‘Thank You’ speaker gifts and hosting for our website.

Our continued focus is on you, our members, to provide you with the information and opportunities so you can select what you want to support. But we do need those dues to keep things going. Whether or not you can attend our meetings, we greatly appreciate your annual donation to help support our mission. With your support we will continue to bring you quality, reliable information that you can act on.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and we look forward to seeing you in September. Watch for more information soon.

The Hamiltons Board of Directors


Our yearly dues are $20 and run from January to December. If you have not yet paid your 2019 dues, here are ways to do so.
You can charge dues to your favorite credit card by clicking Here .
Bring a check or cash to our next meeting.
Make a check out to Skidaway Hamiltons and mail to Marty Grossman, 30 Delegal Rd, Savannah, Georgia, 31411.
Dues are not tax deductible.


A society and government that diligently pursues fairness, justice and equality for all
A national health care system that makes medical services available to all regardless of preconditions and economic status.
A tax system and laws that reduces economic inequality and offsets the power of corporations and money in influencing government.
And support women’s efforts to achieve fair and equitable opportunities and to control their reproductive rights.
Quality public education, from preschool through college, available and affordable to all residents of the United States. Government financial support to Science and Technology, Arts and Humanities
A fair, unbiased criminal justice system and penal institutions that focuses upon rehabilitation and humane treatment.
An emphasis on diplomatic and “soft power” in world affairs.
Government policies that protect the environment.We believe that the American citizen’s right to vote should not be infringed upon in any fashion.
We believe that freedom of the press and freedom of speech are the foundations of a free and democratic society.

Hamiltons Board

Tom Hamilton – Co-President
Bob Marcotullio – Co-President
Marty Grossman – Treasurer 
Rick Cunningham – Website Chair
Bruce Wallace – Brews and Views Chair
Zeddie Bowen – Volunteer Opportunities Chair
Ron Krannich – Communication Chair
Jim Waterman – Program Chair
Ted Yachik  – Membership Chair
Robert Pawlicki – Past President

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Advocacy Groups

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