Election Monitoring Training


Ready to help protect voting rights and ballot access in Georgia?

Join The Peanut Gallery, an election monitoring coalition formed by New Georgia Project, ACLU of Georgia, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, League of Women Voters of Georgia, GALEO (Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials), Common Cause Georgia, and Spread the Vote!

Peanut Gallery volunteers will attend monthly board of elections meetings in your own county, take notes at the meeting, report those notes, and check the county legal newspaper–at least weekly — for announcements. No prior experience is needed. They will give you all the training that you need to be confident and successful.

*They are especially in need of volunteers from counties outside of metro Atlanta.*

Their first training (www.facebook.com/events/1289469457871200) will be held online on Tuesday, June 25th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Can’t log-on for training on the 25th? No worries! They will have new volunteer trainings on the third Tuesday of every month from 6:00-7:00 p.m.: July 16, August 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19, and Dec. 17.

Sign up today at: bit.ly/2Wqi3p1 and following sign-up, they will be in touch shortly with more information.

Tom Hamilton www.special-risk.net