Criminal Justice Reform – Dr. Ron Krannich, President Impact Publications
Initially scheduled to speak was Christopher Bruce, Legislative Director, ACLU of Georgia – as one of four presenters at the Nov 19 Skidaway Hamiltons/WAG (Women Advocating for Georgia) meeting at the Messiah Lutheran Church on Skidaway Island.
Change of Program – November 14 –
Mr. Bruce will be unable to attend our meeting due to a pressing ACLU executive meeting In his place will be Dr. Ron Krannich, President Impact Publications. Dr. Krannich received his doctorate in Political Science and is a Fulbright Scholar. Ron was a Peace Corps volunteer having lived in various countries in southeast Asia. Dr. Krannich has authored and co-authored over 100 books, 8 of which address ex-offender job guides and career counseling. Dr. Krannich is currently on the board of directors of the Skidaway Hamiltons.

Dr. Krannich is a frequent speaker on the subjects of prison reform and successfully navigating challenging life transitions, including the transition back to civilian life for former members of the military. He recently gave a presentation to the Skidaway Rotary Club with the intriguing tagline “Going to prison saved my life!” and Other Serendipitous Life-Changing Adventures.