The following opinion article is from the New York Times June 26, 2020 INSTAGRAM LIVE Caroline Randall Williams will be doing a reading of this essay and answering questions on Instagram (@nytopinion) on Tuesday, June 30 at 7 p.m. Eastern. By Caroline Randall Williams Ms. Williams is a poet. […]
☀️?☀️ Hearing of the recent deaths from COVID-19 in the past 2 days of the mother of a very dear friend and of the 17 year old niece of another friend…. brings the following reflections and encouragements close to heart . . . It just makes sense to me…. When […]
June 5, 2020 Executive Summary The National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) fully supports competition from private healthcare plans and understands the financial challenges ahead for Medicare and the federal budget. However, we lobby against subsidies and legislated restrictions placed on original Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) just to preserve the notion that […]
Recipient of ADL’s International Leadership Award, Sacha Baron Cohen’s Keynote Address at ADL’s 2019 Never Is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate November 21, 2019 The algorithmic amplification of false information on social media, in the interest of revenue, is doing a grave disservice to our world. Sacha Barron Cohen […]
The following is an editorial by Robert Pawlicki published in the Savannah Morning News Jun 7, 2020 As we move hopefully through the late stages of the spring coronavirus epidemic, we continue to see empathy, that ability to understand and share the feelings of others. We see it in the […]
The following is an editorial from the Savannah Morning News June 3, 2020 Hard to imagine there’d come a time where Americans longed for President Donald Trump to busy himself with his Twitter account or by trading barbs with reporters in the West Wing press briefing room. That […]
The entire world watched as civil unrest erupted across the United States in response to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota on May 25. Many are apparently tempted to believe that the nature of the protests, some of it violent and destructive, somehow is after the fact justification of […]
SUMMARY OF MAY 20th ZOOM MEETING WITH DR. LAWTON DAVIS DIRECTOR COASTAL HEALTH DISTRICT GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH [This is a summary of the meeting – for a complete transcript, click here.] On May 20,2020, Dr. Lawton Davis gave a Zoom presentation to the Skidaway Hamiltons and Abigails regarding […]
It’s becoming clear that the primary transmission mechanism for COVID-19 is when an infected person exhales droplets that travel through the air and can be inhaled directly, or that can land on surfaces or hands that subsequently touch the mouth, nose or eyes. If the person coughs, sneezes, or talks, […]