*ELECTION MONITORING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IN ALL GEORGIA COUNTIES*: Ready to help protect voting rights and ballot access in Georgia? Join The Peanut Gallery, an election monitoring coalition formed by
Hamiltons President Robert Pawlicki looks back on the second year of the organization and provides a preview of the 2019-2020 year.
SKIDAWAY HAMILTONS A liberal progressive men’s organization Message From the Board of Directors Thank You Many thanks to all members who attended the May “Wrap Up” meeting. You gave us valuable feedback on both our speakers and our organization. Many suggestions were already on the Board’s ‘radar’ but your confirmation […]
Hi Hamilton friends, I’ve been encouraging an optimistic and balanced view in this era of a radically conservative, autocratic president. Bill Broker, our last Hamilton speaker gave me a full shot to renew this optimism to support my effort.
Recap of April Speaker Presentation Bill Broker Savannah Regional Office of Georgia Legal Services In an extraordinary presentation to the Skidaway Hamiltons on April 15, Bill Broker described the work of the Savannah Regional office of Georgia Legal Services and personal takeaways from his many years as the managing attorney […]
Recap of the April, 2019 Brews and Views Meeting A friendly group of Hamiltons met on Thursday, April 18, at Bruce Wallace’s home to discuss two recent changes in position on environmental issues by our current U.S. Congressman, Earl “Buddy” Carter.
United Way of the Coastal Empire and the Edel Caregiver Institute-Hospice Savannah On Tuesday, March 19, Al Holzinger, volunteer with the United Way, and Jamey Espina, with Hospice Savannah, spoke at the Hamiltons. It was an extremely informative and moving presentation. Al has been a volunteer with the United […]
Lisa Ring, Democratic nominee for the Ist Congressional District in Georgia, spoke to the Skidaway Hamiltons on February 19, 2019, and shared some of the lessons she learned from her experience. First, Ms Ring said she was proud of what was accomplished. She was able to run a genuine grass […]
Inspiritus January 15, 2019 On Tuesday, January 15, Angel Sorochak and Lauren Cruickshank from Inspiritus (formerly Lutheran Services of Georgia) spoke at the Hamiltons. Ms. Sorochak, Regional Director, provided an overview of Inspiritus services. In addition to Refugee services, Inspiritus provides Foster and Adoption Services for medically fragile children; Disaster […]